

Shohoku is a regular Japanese High School in Kanagawa District. A one-man team Akagi two years before, considered as Class C team in entire Japan and failed to enter not even in the Final Eight. In the entry of troublemakers Sakuragi, Rukawa, Miyagi and Mitsui, Shohoku became an immediate powerhouse team in Kanagawa Trial, beating teams one after another with a huge margin. And for the first time in history of Basketball Club of Shohoku Team, they qualified the Final Eight, Final Four and finally one of the top two teams in Kanagawa District to represent in Inter-High Games which every teams have dreamed of. For Shohoku, they are up to a new challenges to compete much more tougher opponents that they never fought before.


H. Sakuragi K. Rukawa T. Akagi H. Mitsui R. Miyagi K. Kogure

Slam Dunk Theater Seats

Digital Sound [[:RANKING TEAMS:]] Digital Sound