Kainandai University has been the Champion in the Kanagawa
Trial for 16 consecutive years and consecutively participating in Inter-High games for ten
years running, and are targeting for its 17th title for becoming number one
again in the district, last year they ranked 4th during the Inter-High.
Kainan is almost good at any departments, very good in defense, superior in
offense and they move logically during actual games. Kainandai University is a
promise team to go in for the students who are attempting to be player of the
team. Players undergo rigid
training from the start of the classes and even during winter. There are lots of
new comers in the team, but as time passes by only few are left due to hardship
of trainings. Survival of the fittest is what Kainandai is. Maki is the tough
ace to beat in this team, Jin makes Maki a whole lot stronger for he is
excellent in three point shooting and are very reliable to pass with. Kiyota is
a freshmen in Kainan that are said to be the successor of Maki to also lead the
team to its 18th title!